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another kind of me

a trip through me

saturday, january 31, 1998, 03:37

Friday nights. Ah, what fun. Wandering the streets, watching the clusters of people flowing forth from the various clubs and parties, heading, no doubt to more clubs and parties.

The night was basically spent outside of one of the larger parties on campus, danny and i just standing around, talking. The proximity to this party was important, not because we ever had plans to go in to the party, but because being near the party legitimized our being out in the cold on a friday night.

That, and there were lots of cute girls wandering around.

Regardless, that was how the night was spent. Wandering the streets in search of something.

I'm not sure that we ever did find anything, and I'm not sure that it really mattered.

All I know is that i have to be in the theatre early tomorrow, so it's bed time for me.

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