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another kind of me

a trip through me

friday, january 30, 1998, 03:49

A day to remember as one where I think I actually got too much sleep the night before. Crashing at about 3am, waking up at 6 only to find my bed covered in the shirts and socks that the dryer mysteriously forgot to dry, i ended up folding some pre-dawn laundry, then collapsing into bed to be awakened at 10, 10:15, 10:30 and on and on until i had finally had enough, and, in my room heated by the heater that just wouldn't quit (which was also set at 4 because i had been cold the night before) i finally awoke at noon, well rested, very hot, and quite frustrated at my waste of half the day.

After a leisurely time waking up, I made my way to the skating rink once again, and found myself quite in pain. Which made the skating a little less enjoyable. Throw into the mix a whole lot of people who could skate a whole lot better than i, and nobody particularly interesting to watch, and it was still surprisingly quite enjoyable.

The rest of the day was pretty much a waste with a board meeting, a dinner and some work on a paper that just never came into existence. Strangely enough, earlier in the day (as in, prior to now), i was having quite a hard time forming complete sentences to write down. The words were eluding me as was basic sentence structure. That, and Dan had my book, which makes finding quotes rather difficult.

So away I went, retrieved my book, and, because he said so, went back to Dan's room. Expecting maybe, his roommate there, being greeted by half a dozen or so individuals through a dense, smokey haze. Sitting down by the door, i proceeded to watch the people interact.

Friendly they were, to be sure, but I just couldn't, not after 20 years of training, I just couldn't integrate myself into the gathering. Just wasn't going to happen. Of course the conscious mind did nothing to encourage the unconscious to do anything, so it was doomed fromt he start. That, coupled with the fact that I just wasn't forming complete sentences, wasn't really condusive to meeting new people.

A room full of strangers is intimidating to me. A room full of strangers talking about something other than computer science was a welcome change, and I gladly just sat there, interjecting now and then (for i couldn't be completely silent -- can't keep my big mouth shut and all), but really just watching the people.

One of the more enjoyable evenings of this semester.

And then I came home.

Wrote the paper.

Cleaned out the inbox.

Endup up here, with my head leaning on my shoulder, reading these words sideways. You wouldn't think it any harder to type like this. And you'd be right. But watching the words is really trippy.

Cracked out.

I'm sleeping now.

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