check out
the old stuff
For the week of july 13, 1997
But damn I'm wonderin g where this summer has gone. Almost over it seems. And I'm not even getting started. Also strange this writing thing. What with work and all taking up most of my time, and being so tired when I get home at night, it's a wonder I even get these things up at all.
I was so into writing at the beginning of the summer. Even got out some good stuff. But after work started, it was all over. I haven't been able to pull anything of real substance out of my head, nor have I had anything that I really feel is worth writing about.
Living in a void it seems. At least emotionally.
Not to say I haven't been doing anything. This weekend was pretty damn exciting.
My mother and sister got back from Europe on saturday. First things out of my mother's mouth, after a brief hello were "Oh, two of the lights are out in the kitchen? You didn't even go out and buy new ones?"
Argh. And here I thought i was being all nice and stuff. You know, happy to see you after two weeks. All that jazz. Wonderful. Had to get away. Now I know why I like being away at school.
Funny. Went to the InterNIC page at and what should it point to but the AlterNIC page. Weirdness.
But moving on.
Mike called on Saturday and told me that he was going back to Lehigh for the weekend to pick up some stuff for the show we're working on. Asked if i'd like to come along. First I said no, because the family would be getting in late and he wanted to leave early. But he said he'd stick around.
So I waited for the fam to get it, and we left. And we just had a kick ass weekend. Drove a bunch. Talked a bunch. I got to see his house (damn house, me in dorm, but at least i get ethernet. hrm, that really doesn't make me feel better). Got to take a tour around his school. Meet his friends. Check out the incredible new theatre complex.
Ended up sleeping on a mattress on the floor since his stuff isn't moved in yet. And I had a really messed up dream. All I can remember is this guy, obviously quite pissed, coming after me. Trying to kill me. And he keeps shooting at me, but I keep missing and he keeps hitting other people instead. Somehow we manage to cut this guy's face to shreds, but he keeps trying to kill me.
End up on the roof of this building, he's on a rope swinging around, crashing through window. Finally, someone pins him down. Motions for me to get the gasoline so we can torch this guy.
And at that point, I wake up. Not fully awake, but since I know what's going on, it doesn't really bother me. I realize that I want this guy's ass toasted, so i go back to sleep and try to pick up the end of the dream. I know it's not going to be the same, but it's just nice to know that we set this guy on fire, tossed him over the edge, and watched him burn up.
Nobody messes with me in my own damn dreams.
Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Everyone messes with me in my dreams.
Oh well.
On this little visit, though, I did realize how much I love school, and the layout of the campus, and how right it feels for me to be there. Although I must say it doens't always work out like that, I am torn for these next five weeks. While it's nice to be here here relaxing (?) and not being in school mode, I can't wait to get into my new dorm, and move in and see friends and get back into school mode.
Better make the best of this time, eh?
wednesday, july 16, 1997, 01:21
Going back to school in about 5 weeks.
Be nice though. I hate the summer. It's too damn hot, and I don't get to see my friends up at school. On the other hand, I get to goof off a lot and see my high school friends, so every situation has a sunny side (ooh, 42nd Street).
Work was okay today. Lot's of lugging of boxes. And I was all set to go home around 7ish, when will found his quickcam drivers. Well then, I had the quickcam plugged into my machine, so I started playing around with it.
Wouldn't you know it. Next thing I knew, I had this silly thing set up, and it was a quarter after nine. Dumbass.
But it was fun, and it was about the same as I would have been doing at home, except that there's air conditioning in the office. hehehe. The joys of computer work. In a district with more money than it knows what to do with.
I'm having trouble typing because i managed to take a little piece of skin off of the index finger of my left hand, and every time i hit a key with that finger, the nail digs into the raw skin.
But that was unnecessary. Forget I said anything.
Oh yeah. Going to see Rent tomorrow. Finally. Should be fun. Get off from work early. Must remember to.
Not much deep thinking going on in my head right now. That's unfortunate. I think I'll go to sleep before I melt.
I'll tell you how the show is.
saturday, july 19, 1997, 00:36
So let's see. Where the hell have I been? righto. I've been at work. Way too much work. Just spent the day entering passwords into our user database.
That was fun.
I'm really tired. Ever since thursday, actually, when we went to see Rent. Which was, incidentally, not what I was expecting. It was still wonderful, but it was strange going to see it after having gotten used to the way the CD sounds. I was also a bit disappointed in the lighting, but that might have been partially due to the height of our seats. $75/ticket. Argh. Still drives me nuts. Other than that, the show moved me the way it always has, and it was a lot of fun.
But I'm tired. Was just on the phone with Russell, got off the phone, and just fell asleep. On the phone. Clenching a foam ball in my left hand. Woke up not knowing where the hell I was, and why I was on the floor.
On the plus side, I got nfs working, so my dream of a webcam server is becoming a reality. That, and I just put in a bid for a color quickcam. Doubt I'll get it, since the auction goes on for another two days. But we'll see how lucky I get.
Can't wait to get back to school. Will be nice to get away from work, from things that I just don't have to deal with at school.
Like parents.
And things you can't get from home.
Like proximity of friends. (and sheer numbers, in my case)
But I can't keep my eyes open any more, and we have a loadin tomorrow morning, so I'm going to try to get a "full night's rest" or something of the sort.
Not that I've ever had one before. Whatever. Later.
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