April 16, 1996

There are times when I just feel left out.

And being on the net should not be one of those times. Here, in a place where who you happen to be on the outside has nothing to do with what people perceive you to be, the last thing that anyone should feel is left out. Here, where people are judged by their actions, by their words. And here I am, feeling left out.

The reason is that there is a definite split in the online community. There is a split that everyone seems to pick up on, and it's a split that no one can let go of. There are gender wars in every facet of our existence, and the online world is no different. However, while there are listings of women online, listings of all sorts, there are no listings of men, that I have found at least.

Now I do realize that in sheer numbers, it would be impractical to come up with an index of Guys on the web, and that it is much easier to do so with women. And while I do appreciate the fact that women have traditionally been under-represented in computers and online, I cannot shake this feeling that I'm being left out of something.

Now there are many people who will tell me that I'm just complaining, that I have no right to feel this way, seeing as my gender seems to be the dominant one on the net. In numbers, maybe, but because of these numbers, I feel like I have even less of a presence. Women doing computer "stuff" have a common bond, mainly that they're women in a male dominated playground. I, on the other hand, have no common bond with anyone else. There are no hotlists that I can add my page to, no people with whom I can relate so easily, with whom to have such a built in bond.

Perhaps I'm just whining. I'm definitely oversimplifying. I still don't, however, have a niche to call my own. I will however, never forget.

I am.


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