saturday, march 20, 1999, 03:09 i'm home from acting social at a party. i think i was a little social, but more than not i was dancing and wondering exactly who i thought i was fooling, dancing in the living room of a girl my friends so often make fun of. people laughed at me ("we're just not used to seeing you at parties") and while that was less bothersome than it could have been, it served to remind me that really, dancing out there, i have no rhythm, my hair is all over the place, and no girl could possibly want to dance with me. i did, however solve a mystery tonight. there's been a girl on campus whom i've been smiling at all semester whenever i see her. i thought i knew her, but couldn't place the face. so tonight, i saw her. and i was leaning up against the table with the chips and the pizza. and she was talking to some other guy and she smiled at me and i smiled back. and she was about to walk away when i finally confronted her and asked her where i knew her from. well, it turns out that we were in a class together last year. and so now we know each other. and it was good. because meeting people is good. ... i think i'm too tired to be coherent. ... i'm back. i would like to state that i hate my fucking cats. yes, i think that i would be a much happier individual if i did not have three furry little shit-factories running around the apartment. waht is it this time? oh they're so cute, what could they possibly do wrong? oh yeah. THEY DECIDED TO USE THE BLANKET ON MY BED AS THEIR LITTLER BOX. fucking cats.
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