earlier | sun | tue | thu | fri | note
saturday, march 6, 1999, 03:40 despite what the little calendar on my computer might tell me, it is really still friday. which is awfully strange, since the friday that i remember started so long ago. it was this morning when i went to class. when i went ice skating. when i came home and ran errands. when i went to the theatre. when i went upstairs to the concert. where i fell asleep on the floor of the concert. where i went to a midnight poetry reading. it was just such a very long short day. and it is almost time to put it to rest. something about falling asleep on the floor being confusing. especially at a concert. something about kids in love. happy. watching the smiles passing between them, his eyes meeting hers, she just up for the weeekend, he waiting to see her for months. it just makes me happy.
| sun | tue | thu | fri |