earlier | sun | tue | note

another kind of me

a trip through me

wednesday, july 1, 1998, 01:48

one month is gone from my summer. still jobless, i think that things are okay. i'm still having problems with one of my servers. the rent is still due tomorrow. but having sat here all night just talking to people and thinking, it seems that everything's just going to be okay.

the weather around here has been pretty wild, storms, heat, storms, cold. and not even that can keep the children indoors. it's amazing. i have never heard screaming carry on for that long. you'd think that these kids were having spikes driven under their fingernails for all the noise coming from the surrounding houses. but in a way, in a way that i often forget when i'm sitting in the living room overlooking the driveway listening to the bikes and the running and the crying, in a way, it's nice. nice to actually be living in a neighborhood. the kids are a reminder to me that there is actually life away from school, that there are people out there, and yes, that can invade my life every once in a while.

comforting, almost.

if only it was more laughing than crying.

but who am i to say anything.


i have got to do more writing. yeah. creativity. keep this brain from rotting away.

starting tomorrow.


| sun | tue