earlier | sun | tue | wed | fri | note
saturday, february 28, 1998, 06:19 I was just going to go to sleep, having woken up on the couch, ready for sleep. But I heard birds chirping through my open window. Last day of the second month of the year, the middle of the winter, and there are birds out. And if the birds can be up, so can I. where i have a night out with friends, getting dinner playing with a mod-chipped playstation and a whole bunch of sub-legal video games. where i wander over to the theatre to watch some new plays go up and listen to a man who went to new york with a dream and some friends and is still there six years later with his own theatre company based on the idea of community. to know that there are such opportunities in new york, that i can be a designer and not just an electrician. to know that there are the same kinds of experiences in the real world as i've been experiencing in college. to gaze across the room and catch the eye of a girl that i hardly know and wave and have her wave back at me, coyly smiling and tossing her hair while i'm standing on a folding chair behind an old piano that i've spent all night looking at and figuring out what the best way to repair all of it to be. to drive down an empty road with two friends but not really, not another car around and talk of the future, of the present, about changing the way people think and on an equally noble point to bring them more theatre coming off of a night of pure excitement and pure energy and noting one more night of a festival that has carried us through nine nights already. to end up at a latenight breakfast place talking theatre and relationships while women with too much eye makeup and too high hair sit around us and smoke and talk about whatever it is that people talk about in a latenight breakfast place at three in the morning if they haven't just been driving around for an hour looking for a place to eat because a night of art can just work up a huge appetite. to realize why i'm really here, and what i have to do to keep remembering this.
| sun | tue | wed | fri |