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another kind of me

a trip through me

wednesday, february 25, 1998, 04:41

lying here face down in the wrist rest, my brain started to get foggy and it felt like all of my thoughts were doing a flip in the back of my head, travelling along the back of my skull, coming back to rest where they came from in my brain, only i thought that I was somewhere else. and i thought that i was in the theatre. and i thought that i was lying face down in one of the couches in the theatre and i wasn't really sure what was going on until slowly through the murk i could tell that i wasn't in the theatre but was instead in my room in front of my computer.

I remember thinking "but i'm too tired to go home now" and all of a sudden opening my eyes brain back to the world and realizing where I was.

Tonight was a mix. of emotions. this arts festival is completely draining, and i've been at it for five nights now. Tonight was a night of student films, ranging from a 30 second piece that was delivered midway through the first film to a travelogue of trainhopping through canada to some short silent films to a twenty minute professionally produced one to an hour long mockumentary of bike theft. It was a great night, we got a bunch of people in the space watching the art, and I didn't get to have nearly enough fun as I would have liked.

Wanted to talk to a girl that I had met last night, just because I'm really starting to get into this whole "meeting people" thing, especially since I've decided that I'm not a cs major, that I'm really an artist, and that I now get to act as such. Which is not differently at all.

But yeah, so the nigh didn't go as well as it could have for me internally, but all in all, it helped to push this rush i have of the arts fest along. I have a feeling come the last ngiht of this event i'm just going to collapse.



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