So I've finally found the connection between the two things that I love the most in life. Theatre and the web, perhaps one of the world's oldest forms of entertainment and one of the world's newest.
It's the audience.
Sitting in the theatre hearing sobs and sniffles coming from around you as the lights dim for the last scene after our hero has passed away, knowing that you have contributed to the feelings that these people are now feeling. Knowing that you had a part in changing them. It's no different than getting an email telling you that the words that you wrote and put up on your web page touched a person. Put into words feelings that they could not.
Watching a program the other day about a theatre group that was formed to teach students about hate. Specifically about racism between Jews and Blacks. Watching the performance, watching the audience. Realizing that out of that one show, many lives were probably changed. Realizing what a large impact we can have on the lives of others.
I've learned a lot in my life from other people. I want others to learn from me, to be affected by what I do.
I want to touch.
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