It's interesting being back here at school. So much like home once again. Home is such a difficult concept to grasp. What exactly is home? Why do we need a sense of home? Well, actually, I suppose that part's pretty much obvious. But what is home? Now that's an interesting question. Right now I feel that I am sitting at home. In my dorm, looking out over the street. Hearing the wind blow in the distance. This is my home.
Then where was I for the last three months? I was certainly somewhere else. But was that place home? Of course it was. It was where i spent the first 17 years of my life. Perhaps this is what is meant by the phrase "a home away from home." In that case, however, is the "home" and the "away home" dependent on where you are at a particular moment in time?
I think that the only sure place that you can call your home is in your own little head. When that happens, noone can take that away from you, and you've got it whereever you happen to be. On the tallest mountain. As far away from anything resembling anything any human should be calling a home, you can be at home with yourself.
Home inside your mind.
The mind is a very powerful tool and can be used to change one's surroundings to whatever the heck they feel like having. And well it should be. This room would not be comfortable without a rug. Without a lamp it wouldn't have that warm cozy glow. The bean bag chair makes gives it character.
But the fact that I am sitting here typing this and knowing where I am, and who I am are all that's important.
Makes this a home.
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