B Building - Performing Arts, Auditorium, Main Office

Performing Arts

Greeley offers a wide variety of theatre courses. However, there is more to Greeley theatre than what goes on during the school day. The HGHS Theatre Company produces two mainstage shows each year, usually a drama in the fall and a musical in the winter as well as Spring Festival, a year end collection of completely student produced shows.

Past shows include:

Scheduled for the 1997-1998 Season:

There are also many opportunities for students to get involved in other areas of the performing arts, including four a capella singing groups (the all male A Cafellas, the all female Quaker Notes, the coed Enchords and Madrigal Choir), Concert Choir, Stage Band, Odyssey Pep Band, Chamber Orchestra, and Small Ensemble. Except for Theater Company and Odyssey, membership in either Chorus, Band or Orchestra is needed, and an audition. Contact Mr. Knobloch, Mr. Coons, Dr. Lucia, or Mr. Dunn.
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Last updated: October 7, 1995 / jcn@storytime.org