mcc (mmm, color scheme)
First met mike coming up to school for some prefrosh orientation "let's see how you like our school" type of thing. both coming up from new york, on the train. he had email. nobody else at home did. it was cool. that's about all i remember about him at that time.
I told him i was going to write, but never did.
Ended up at school, pretty much forgot about that day until we had a "dinner with vart" type of thing. Sitting there in the hockey rink (no ice), and saw a familiar face walking by.
Being friends with castelle is a trying experience. Opinionated. Very smart. And rather set in his ways. If he doesn't like you, he'll generally just ignore you. All the while making it clear that he doesn't like you.
And if he does like you, he'll give you shit about anything he doesn't like about you. He's been the most critical of my writing. Been the most helpful, yet the most blunt.
We spend a lot of time chatting with each other. Taking the intro cs course here at school, sitting next to each other in the lab, 3 in the morning, writing to each other. Not talking, just popping messages up on each others' screens. That's mostly what it is with him.
A brilliant writer. i think his talents are wasted on computer science. Okay, well, that's not true either. A great coder (hacker more to the point). Writing style, constantly changing, yet uniquely his. He's taking some film classes now. Silly person.
All of that, and quite the ladies man to boot.
Has thus far "gone out with" two of my friends. hard for me to understand what they see in him. First one lasted a whole bunch of months. over the summer as well. broke up fairly harshly, and he still hasn't gotten over it. Actually, i think he's gotten over it now. He just doesn't care to see her. Listen to her. Be near her.
what're you gonna do?
then another. Seemed like a rebound relationship for both of them, but who am i to say? Didn't hear too much about that one, except when i heard that they had broken up, with apparently no explanation from him.
typical mike behavior it would seem. these, plus his various flings around the country. tech support can work wonders for a guy's social life. as can running down to the lupos for whatever dance parties they have down there. Sits there. talks. leaves me to fend for myself up here. heh. have fun at bickfords...
But i still maintain that i have better hair than he does. (especially now since it looks like he's got some sort of animal sitting up there. okay, i admit it, he's so cool that anything he does looks good. damn him)
school folk or home