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another kind of me

a trip through me

thursday, april 29, 1999, 03:05

i did a cartwheel today while waiting for the kids we called back for jesus christ superstar to learn their dancing and singing so that we could go back in and watch them. i mean, what else are you supposed to do while waiting for people to learn to dance and sing?

my macintosh laptop started again today. i decided to plug it in and turn it on and lo and behold, it works. which is odd and a little disturbing. i wonder what's wrong with it.

my life is getting crazy intense these days with a month before i graduate. a month before i'm done with school.

i got little sleep last night, but took a nap in a bed which was not my own.

i spent too much money on food today without keeping track of any of it.

i want to be wealthy enough to be living as i do and be living beneath my means.

i think i also want stock options.

just because i like to say that i've got options.

probably because everyone's got options these days.

theatre is not something i do because i want to. theatre is something i do because i have to.

thank you. this has been an assessment of my day.

| tue