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another kind of me

a trip through me

friday, january 1, 1999, 03:32

seven people in one bed are playing kissing games in the next room. "don't bite! don't bite!" she cries playfully. the couches in the living room are occupied, as are the recliners. downstairs, as well the couches all have occupants, human on two, feline on the last while a futon in the kitchen serves bedding for another couple. two more in the study on caming gear, sleeping bags and thermarests while two girls to their first college party sleep in my room. two partygoers left recently to find sleeping accomodations in another house.

me? i can't sleep here tonight. not now. the new year was rung in this year, not, as i had remembered it in the past, to the dropping of the ball in times square on tv while dick clark, unaged from the last year, shows clips of festivities around the country, but rather to the ticking of the elvis clock and the drunken countdown, followed shortly by some even more drunken singing. without my parent.

and then the blaring tunes from the stereo. "tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!" of course.

i'd always thought about the new year's after my graduation as the big one. done with school. probably in my own apartment. big party. and it's turned out that this has been the big one. the last year at school. and if i think about it, this one makes a lot more sense. what have i learned these past three and a half years here. this past year. and what does this mean for the next year.

this year i resolve to have more fun.

i think i already failed, feeling the compulsive need the night to take care of things. take care of people. take care of the apartment. take care of the cats. ah. but did i have fun? yes. could i have had more fun? yes. but it's a start.

ah yes. the other part. the other part of this was that i brought along my other life. to school i brought two friends from home and my sister and her friend. worlds collide. but it was nice to have them here. to know about this part of my life. the part that i write about in emails and talk about at vacations. but to see it in person is so much more. and it was nice to have them here.

so what am i leaving out? i'm leaving out the personal crisis. i'm leaving out the crowds of people. i'm leaving out weepy girls and drunken boys. i'm leaving out people who would be better off getting a good punch in the face (according to some). i'm leaving out the drinking ("hey, who wants a blojob?") and i'm leaving out the sex ("so, uh, why is the door now locked?").

the weird guy who came to the party and never took off his overcoat is now sitting in the living room wrapped up under a blanket, stroking a girl's hair. there's probably a lot more than that going on in the bedroom behind me. and maybe in my kitchen as well.

in the other room, a seven-person game of truth or dare is in progress.

welcome to a new year.

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