monday, july 6, 1998, 01:50 work starting tomorrow. i'm still awake. should be interesting doing webby things, cramped office, and fun people. we'll see how it turns out. still unpacking my room, slowly but surely, and i have to do my laundry. took a trip up to boston today for a party. wow. summer just slipping away, ever so quickly. realizing one month gone, two left, and with even that, one and a half, the rest occupied with family vacations and theatre things. and after that, it's back to school, for one more year. one more year of studying, and theatre, and cs stuff, and blah blah blah, and then, then i'm to the point in my life where i'll be starting the time when i get to look back and remember the good old days when i was in college. i don't want those days yet. so i'm staying up late. hoping that as i stay up longer, the time i have now during the summer will be longer. hoping to extend youth. failing miserably.
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