earlier | sun | wed | thu | note
friday, february 6, 1998, 06:53 The world is covered by a thin sheet of ice. My roommate's door is rattling due to the fact that he leaves his window open at night making me jump every three seconds when i head that slam realizing that no, in fact, it's not the thing crawling out of the closet trying to kill me but rather just his door banging against the frame. I don't think I'm ever going to write a paper before the morning of the day it's due. This time, though, I actually got through most of the reading instead of having to bullshit my way through all of it. That's right. If this school hasn't done anything else, it's taught me that I can pass most humanities classes on bullshit. Not that there really is anything more to those classes anyway. And not that there's anything wrong with that. Without bullshit, this entire world would be filled with cs majors getting off on the fact that they can say things like "distributed shared memory" and actually have it mean something whereas humanities majors would end up saying something like "postmodern third-world feminist theory" and people would think they had just taken a hit off a really big bong. And of course, in this world, people still do think that, but at least there are about a dozen books backing this person up. At this point in time I have no idea what I'm talking about and the realization is spreading over me that it is now three hours before i have to wake up to go get the printout of the paper that I've been up all night writing. Of course I suppose it could always be worse. I could be the highly intoxicated neanderthal who was standing outside of my dorm earlier freezing his dick off as he urinated on the path leading up to my front door. Passing by this imbecile and his friends, they assured me that everything was fine because "he's drunk," as if this is supposed to make me feel better about the fact that there's something comparable to a large, dumb farm animal relieving itself in front of me at what I had previously believed to be an institution of higher learning where people have to be able to carry on intelligent conversation and be able to use basic societal constructs such as bathrooms before they are allowed to attend. I think I'd better put this away before I hurt myself.
| sun | wed | thu |