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friday, january 16, 1998, 04:47 I've noticed these days that among web journaler and overall web personalities, there has been a trend of change. Of course the nature of the web is change, but I have noticed lately lots of abandoning old projects, taking up new ones, renaming things, and so on and so forth. Fortunately, I'm too lazy to do anything of that sort. What I have found, however, is that my "what i did today" kind of journal has outlived its usefulness. Though it could be interesting to go back years from now to see what I ate for dinner right before I moved back into my dorm after winter break my junior year (pasta with a tuna/tomato sauce), it's really just not that interesting. The other thing is that I've come to the conclusion the people who know me only through these words think that I'm about to kill myself. Well, perhaps not that extreme, but most of them do think that I am over all a depressed person. Like I go through my day with my head hanging low and a dark cloud following me around. The truth of the matter is that while I am not an overall happy person, I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily as bad as everyone seems to think. It's just that I tend to write when I'm depressed as my only outlet for those feeling. I write, and then I feel better. However, one has to bear in mind that these pages are still only a selective part of me. And while this selection may not be entirely my decision (moods and emotions are very persuasive), it is still only a part of me, and one should never lose sight of this. Least of all me. So here's to more emotion and less yakity-yak. Or something. ... Ah, and this is very exciting to me. Hey, I take it where I can get it. And one last thing. God help me, i think i'm starting to fall in love with frames.
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