Greeley works on a six day cycle, days numbered 1 through 6. The cycle stops for weekends and recognized holidays. If there is a snow day or other school cancelation then that day is missed.
The normal (though one can hardly call it normal) school day at Greeley consists of 25 modules (or 'mods') labeled A through Y, each about 15 minutes long, although they range in time from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. School begins with a warning bell at 7:40 am, and classes begin at 7:45 am. Typically, the first period class is ABC and lasts from 7:45 am to 9:15 am. Second period is DEF, and so on. Homeroom meets during G mod, between DEF (second period) and HIJ (third period). Some classes (particularly science classes) meet for 4 or even 5 mods.
During their free time, students a free to do whatever they want (within limits of course :). There is no common scheduled lunch period, but the cafeteria is opened for most of the day, opening during ABC (first period) and remaining open until midway th rough TUV (seventh period). Most students have at least one block of time when they can get lunch. However, if there is absolutely no time that day, most teachers are very understanding and will allow the student bring his or her lunch to eat during cla ss.
Seniors have off campus priveledges, and may leave campus any time they want. Well, if they cut class, that's a no-no, but they may leave any other time.
The school has four standard "bell" schedules. A bell (actually, a "gentle" tone) sounds at the end of each mod.
The Regular bell schedule is the one that is followed most days of the year.
The Activity bell schedule is the one that is followed every Wednesday and sets aside 45 minutes in the morning for clubs and activities to meet.
The two assembly schedules (A and B) are followed whenever there is a school-wide assembly.
There are also special schedules to cover snow delays, special assemblies and special events.