A = 95-99 = 4.0 A- = 90-94 = 3.5 B = 85-89 = 3.0 B- = 80-84 = 2.5 C = 75-79 = 2.0 C- = 70-74 = 1.5 D = 65-69 = 1.0 F = Below 65 = 0.0Only Advanced Placement courses are weighted (0.4).
Students = 208 Cumulative Avg. # of Students % of Class 3.5 - 4.0 60 28.8% 3.0 - 3.4 64 31.7% 2.5 - 2.9 44 21.2% 2.0 - 2.4 24 11.5% 1.5 - 1.9 11 5.3% 1.0 - 1.4 3 1.4%
Subject Area Credits English 4 Social Studies 4 Mathematics 2 Science 2 Foreign Language (3) Health 1/2 Art and/or Music 1 Sequence Electives 5 Physical Education 5 SemestersIncluded in the 18 1/2 credits are two 3 unit sequences or one 5 unit sequence. Three years of foreign language study are necessary for Regents Endorsement.
Number Horace Greeley % Test Tested 25% 50% 75% Mean SAT-Verbal 205 530 600 660 596 SAT-Math 205 560 630 690 622 Achievements: Mean Scores Writing 151 615 Biology 152 643 Math I 113 658 Math IC 26 626 Math IIC 28 700 Spanish 9 569 French 12 607 Chemistry 22 609 Physics 17 712 World History 9 648 American History 11 603
National Merit Scholarship Competition Semi-finalists 15 Commendations 22 National Hispanic Scholar 1
Higher Education 93% Four Year Colleges 92% Two Year Colleges 1%
Two hundred thirty-five (235) students participated in the Advanced Placement program.
Subject Number Tested % with 3 or better United States History 98 68 Art: Studio General 12 91 Biology 49 95 Computer Science AB 8 87 English Lit & Comp 27 92 European History 47 93 French Language 20 85 French Literature 1 100 Math: Calculus AB 53 90 Math: Calculus BC 23 95 Music Theory 7 100 Physics B 73 76 Physics C: Mechanics 10 70 Physics C: Elec. & Mag. 10 50 Spanish Language 32 78 Total 470 82%