HGHS High School Profile for 1997

Cumulative Average

The cumulative average, computeed at the end of eleventh grade, includes all subjects in which a student recieved a final grade, as designated below.
A       =       95-99   =       4.0
A-      =       90-94   =       3.5
B       =       85-89   =       3.0
B-      =       80-84   =       2.5
C       =       75-79   =       2.0
C-      =       70-74   =       1.5
D       =       65-69   =       1.0
F       =    Below 65   =       0.0
Only Advanced Placement courses are weighted (0.4).

Class Rank

Horace Greeley does not assign a rank in class to students. It is hoped that colleges recognize the strength of the academic program at this high school rather than fine numerical differentiations among members of the class.

Distribution of Cumulative Averages of the Class of 1997

Students = 208        Cumulative Avg.    # of Students   % of Class
                        3.5 - 4.0             60            28.8%
                        3.0 - 3.4             64            31.7%
                        2.5 - 2.9             44            21.2%
                        2.0 - 2.4             24            11.5%
                        1.5 - 1.9             11             5.3%
                        1.0 - 1.4              3             1.4%

Graduation Requirements

All students are required to complete a minumum of 18 1/2 units of credit, in addition to 5 semesters of Physical Education.
Subject Area                 Credits

English                         4
Social Studies                  4
Mathematics                     2
Science                         2
Foreign Language               (3)
Health                         1/2
Art and/or Music                1
Sequence Electives              5
Physical Education         5 Semesters
Included in the 18 1/2 credits are two 3 unit sequences or one 5 unit sequence. Three years of foreign language study are necessary for Regents Endorsement.

College Board Admissions
Testing Program, 1995-96

		Number   Horace Greeley %
Test            Tested  25%     50%     75%     Mean

SAT-Verbal      205     530     600     660     596
SAT-Math        205     560     630     690     622

Achievements:               Mean Scores

Writing          151             615
Biology          152             643
Math I           113             658
Math IC           26             626
Math IIC          28             700
Spanish            9             569
French            12             607
Chemistry         22             609
Physics           17             712
World History      9             648
American History  11             603

Scholarship Data - Class of 1997

National Merit Scholarship Competition

	Semi-finalists              15
	Commendations               22
        National Hispanic Scholar    1

College Attendance - Class of 1995

	Higher Education        93%
	Four Year Colleges      92%
	Two Year Colleges        1%

Advanced Placement Program Participation, 1993-94

Departmental selection is required for AP courses in English, European History and Calculus BC. Students elect to enroll in all other AP courses.

Two hundred thirty-five (235) students participated in the Advanced Placement program.

Subject                    Number Tested  % with 3 or better

United States History           98              68
Art: Studio General             12              91
Biology                         49              95
Computer Science AB              8              87
English Lit & Comp              27              92
European History                47              93
French Language                 20              85
French Literature                1             100
Math: Calculus AB               53              90
Math: Calculus BC               23              95
Music Theory                     7             100
Physics B                       73              76
Physics C: Mechanics            10              70
Physics C: Elec. & Mag.         10              50
Spanish Language                32              78

			Total  470              82%

This information was taken directly from the Horace Greeley High School Profile 1997.
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Last updated: November 5, 1996