General Information About the School
- Chappaqua is a community of apporoximately 16,000 located 35 miles
north of New York City. Most parents are college graduates. Many are
widely recognized in business and professional fields. Chappaqua sets high
expectations for its schools and enjoys a long history of support from
the community.
The School
- For years, Horace Greeley has been recognized as one of the top public
high schools in the country. We offer a comprehensive curriculum to more
than 850 students. In addition, Greeley has outstanding programs in
the Fine and Performing Arts.
Curriculum and Program
- The strength of the curriculum at Horace Greeley lies in the depth and
breadth of our academic offerings:
- All 9th and 10th grade students take a two-year curriculum of
literature, language, speech and composition. Eleventh and twelveth
greaders select from 16 electives: interdisciplinary courses in
Humanites and On Creating (Creative Writing and
Photography), media, expository and creative writing, a tutorial in
independent literary analysis, as well as literature of various periods
and genres. All courses are designed to challenge students of all ability
levels; heterogeneous grouping is seen as desirable and beneficial.
- Global Studies, European History, and American History and Government
are required and are grouped heterogeneously. Eleventh and twelveth grade
students are select their 4th year of social studies from 8 semester
electives and two advanced placement courses. As a result, each year
enrollment figures are above 100% of the student body.
- Physics is a pre-requisite for all advanced science courses: AP
Biology, AP Physics C, Organic and Inorganic chemistry, and Astronomy and
Geology. A three year science research program is available to highly
motivated students. Over 95% of the student body is enrolled in four
years of science.
- A full four years of college preparatory math is offered to
accommodate a wide range of abilities. The most advanced students can
move beyond AP Calculus to Number Theory and Differential Equations.
Non-Regents student offerings Trigonometry and Adv anced Algebra. AP
Computer Science is also offered. 98% of the student body completes at
least three years of mathematics. A math clinic is available every
period. Graphing calculators are used in the classroom.
- Advanced study is offered in French, Spanish, Russian, and Latin.
Over 90% of the student body is enrolled in the study of a second
language; 42% continue beyond the second year.
- Students can choose to sample or major in the Fine and Performing
Arts. Extensive course offerings are supplemented by regularly scheduled
performances and exhibits. Teachers in these areas co-teach three
interdisciplinary courses (Humanities, On Creating, and Stagecraft). A course in Video
Art is expanding. An on-site pre-school program for three and four
year olds gives students the opportunity to ovserve and interact in the
Child Study Program.
- The Physical Education Program is geared to the health and fitness of
individuals: the final goal being, each student will develop his or her
own fitness program. Two-thirds of the student body participates on 46 interscholastic teams. Three
hundred and fifty students are involved in intramural programs.
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Last updated: 5 November 1996