Greeley Sports

[Intramural Sports] [Interscholastic Sports]

[Boys' Sports] [Girls' Sports]


Greeley has started an exciting alternative to the interscholastic sports program. It is ideal for those who enjoy sports but can't devote the time required by interscholastic sports or those who need to improve skills before they make the school teams. Fall, winter and spring sports offerings hope to include Powder Puff Football, Weight Training a nd Conditioning, Coed Volleyball, Floor Hockey, Badminton and Basketball. Interested groups of students may formulate their own programs.


Greeley's interscholastic athletic program, numbering 46 teams for all students, is highly respected and, for the most part, successful. Success has been achieved over the years through the positive attitude, hard work and constant effort displayed by the athletes and coaches and through the loyal support of our students and community members.

Mr. Kuczma, Director of Athletics, urges students to take advantage of this healthy, wholesome and fun program. Participating in sports is also a good way to become a contributing citizen of the school community. Interested students should listen to the a nnouncements, watch the daily bulletins for tryout times, or see Mr. Kuczma in his office in the Physical Education building.

Participants should be prepared to practice for two hours Mondays through Fridays and/or Saturdays, depending on scheduled games, time of season and outside agencies' programs. Normally, athletes are also active in music, drama, or student government. Thi s provides a good opportunity to learn to budget time and use it wisely. Students participating in interscholastic sports and extra-curricular activities must be enrolled in and attending class in at least five subjects, one of which may be physical educa tion.

All students must have a pre-sports medical screening each year prior to interscholastic participation. This screening is given at Horace Greeley in June and is valid for a period of 12 months. Students are encouraged to sign up for this screening. If a s tudent elects not to take part in the school's sponsored screening, it is the parents' responsibility to have the family physician administer the screening at their own expense. This private screening must take place after June 1 and the Athletic Screenin g Form (yellow) must be completed in its entirety and signed by your personal physician. Under no circumstances will any athlete be allowed to participate without the Director of Athletics receipt of this completed and signed form. Camp and private physic ians forms are not acceptable.

For their children's good health, parents must assume the responsibility for insisting upon students taking showers after practices and after games; in addition, parents are responsible for washing and cleaning all clothing worn, including the uniform.

Late activity buses leave the high school at 6:00 p.m. Practices usually end at approximately 5:30 p.m., but may change according to weather. Students should notify their parents as to any known changes in practice schedules. Students and parents should b e aware that athletic contests scheduled during the week, whether at home or away, begin about 4:15 p.m., depending on travel time. Accordingly, arrival at home will be later than normal on those days, and parents and/or students must be responsible for their own transportation from Greeley.

During 1994-95, Horace Greeley was a member of Conference II. Competing with Greeley will be Fox Lane, Ossining, John Jay, Walter Panas, Lakeland and Yorktown. Additional games will be scheduled with schools in Dutchess, Rockland and Putnam Counties in or der to complete Greeley's schedule. Schedules for the various teams are made by the Conference, and fill-in dates are arranged between the Athletic Directors of those schools involved. Printed schedules of each season's sports events are given to the part icipating athletes and appear in the school newspapers. Extra copies are available through the Athletic Department.

It is our philosophy to include as many participants as each team will allow. This may be determined by the nature of each sport. Sports that include unlimited participation are swimming, track, cross country, football and wrestling.

Parents should feel free to call the Athletic Director, Peter Kuczma, for further information.


Fall Season	Varsity and JV sports start August 22th.
	        (Varsity Football starts August 15)
	        9th grade sports start the 1st day of school.

Cross Country		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Football		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Soccer			- Varsity, JV, 9th

Winter Season	Starts November 14th.
		9th grade winter sports start November 28th.

Basketball		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Swimming		- 9th - 12th
Track			- 9th - 12th
Wrestling		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Skiing and Bowling	- coed 9th - 12th

Spring Season	Starts March 6th.
		9th grade spring season starts March 20th.

Baseball		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Golf			- 9th - 12th
Lacrosse		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Tennis			- 9th - 12th
Track			- coed 9th - 12th


Fall Season	Varsity and JV sports start August 22th.
		9th grade sports start the 1st day of school.

Cross Country		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Field Hockey		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Swimming		- 9th - 12th
Tennis			- 9th - 12th
Volleyball		- Varsity, JV, 9th

Winter Season	Starts November 14th
		9th grade winter sports start November 28th.

Basketball		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Track			- coed 9th - 12th
Skiing and Bowling      - coed 9th - 12th

Spring Season	Starts March 6th.
		9th grade spring sports start March 20th.

Lacrosse		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Soccer			- Varsity, JV, 9th
Softball		- Varsity, JV, 9th
Track			- coed 9th - 12th
All students should contact their coach for the exact date and time to begin the athletic season.
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Last updated: June 4, 1995