Horace Greeley HS Student Council

Elected Board of the Horace Greeley HS Student Council

Student Council Minutes - recorded by R. Tyre

Student Council Minutes: August 29, 1996
Student Council Minutes: June 22, 1996

Sudent Council Calendar


1996-1997 Student Council Summer Meeting: #2 8/29/96
I. First Day of School (Social VP)
-regular school until 12:00pm; 12:10 assembly
-Assembly: short speeches from S.C. members, teachers up to field at this time.
-go to fields after speeches: food ($.50 sodas), entertainment (acapella groups, Barrel of Monkeys?)
-Rainy Day: full day of school with free hot-dogs in cafe A; no food for teachers; teachers cook on free time.
-sound system needs to be put on field for entertainment
II. Homecoming
-Laser Show D.J.?-$1 or $2 charge at door to cover cost.
III. Newsletter/Bulletin Board (Pub. V.P./Secretary)
-contains what is discussed in S.C. meetings; things to be publicized to school (S.C. activities, actions to change current statutes in effect, etc.)
-1 pg. front and back
-Copy of minutes placed on bulletin board outside of cafeteria.
IV. Ideas
-suggestion box on computer: type suggestions and then send to S.C. "mailbox" OR a pop-up screen to inform students of S.C. events and actions.
-S.C. section on Horace Greeley Home Page (Internet)?
V. Clubs
-need to work more with clubs; use clubs to help S.C. in fundraising, events and donations.
VI. Class Representatives
-1 Rep. must always be at his/her own CLASS meeting, and 1 Rep. must always be at the S.C. meeting.
-Reps. need to talk to class governments and secretaries: they need to acquire class gov't minutes as well as give copies of S.C. minutes to Class gov'ts.

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1996-1997 Student Council Summer Meeting: #1 6/22/96
-People need to come to the meetings to WORK.
-Activity Fair: Sep. 17th
I. Board of Ed. Reps.
-Position needs to be redefined and taken seriously.
II. Communications
-Publicity VP: newsletter on first day of school?
-Post info. on the Student Council Board.
-Place Student Council updates in the school newspapers.
-Better communications between Treasurer of the S.C. and the District Treasurer (computer?).
-Dr. Smith: copies of minutes to him; new times of meetings (during school, not before); get copies of Student Council member schedules.
III. Class Reps.: need to "step up two notches"
-go to some class meetings.
-class meeting: speak to class (print out a general list of things the reps. should say to their classes on behalf of the Student Council).
- get a list from classes of things going on in the class (could have it sent to S.C. homeroom).
-send out a sheet to homerooms to see what students want and how they feel about certain things.
IV. $Money$
-approx. $2000 from summer Coke machine sales.
-clubs to keep money? (balances).
-thank you notes: Gary Lanza.
-Model UN-type problems: more rules for loans (failure of clubs to control own balances); paying bills.
V. First Day of School (Dan's job, Social VP)
-food: ice cream, band, acapella groups.
-assistance: members of the S.C. should help out.
-Dan needs a SPECIFIC plan so Mark can give the necessary money.
VI. Activity Fair
-time for each club to speak; tables: (Ed VP).
-Packets: (Publicity VP)
-memo to clubs to get info. into Sarah(Pub. VP) for the packet.
-clubs need to get back to Sarah before a certain date.
VIII. Job of Student Council
-should represent the students; fight for the students
-job is to find things that need to be fixed.
-suggestion box; sheet to homerooms (above); extended homerooms;
IX. Seminar Day #3
-people from community: various jobs, other cultures.
-Committee to be set up during the year: Emily (Ed VP) needs to set it up.
-possible speaker who will give info. on a charity we will be donating to.
-debate assembly: Reps. to debate or speak.

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Student Council Date Book (Month of October)

1. Homecoming
Pep-rally-October 25: ~7:30-9:30pm
Dance-October 26: 8:00-11:00pm

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Last updated October 6, 1996.
© 1996, JHE. This page was created by Compufit Computer Center
This page is maintained by Richard Tyre
All Student Council Minutes are from the notebook of R. Tyre