tuesday, june 15, 1999, 02:11 "Well, it looks like the woman from the company isn't going to call you." this after waiting for my offer since friday. that's all day friday ("it'll definitely come on monday") and then all day monday ("they're working on it but they wanted me to give you these numbers") and then hearing these words, I knew that something was messed up. "fucked up. the legal term is fucked up." so what was fucked up? well, after waiting and hearing that they were really interested in hiring me, orientation.com dropped the ball. having problems of some financial issues. or something. the details that i got were pretty shaky. on the other hand, that company struck me as totally weird ever since the vp of whatever kept talking about money. we moved here because it's going to make us rich. you can't get rich in hong kong. we're going to be rich. blah blah blah. sounded like a big line from the start and it fizzled in the end. but really, that's what you get from these companies. easy sell, easier to drop it too. but that's okay, because i've ended up with the job that i really wanted to take, and i'm going to be doing some damn cool stuff and i'm going to have a lot of fun. so bleah. tomorrow I'm going into the city to sign some paperwork. that's not the primary drive of the visit. no. i'm going in because i'm going to go speak with some deans and students at columbia who want to start up a theatre similar to the one that we had at school. aparently, pw's model works, and they want to start another all student run theatre. this is mostly a student driven project, which is the way it should be, and i'm coming in as someone who's been there. i hope it goes well. production workshop shaped me into the person that i am today, and i hope that i'll have the opportunity to see another place like it come into existence. i still have to write some thank you notes for graduation presents. and i have to finish a web site for mike. and i'm looking forward to being able to read my new stolzhenitsyn book on the train. mmm.. the life of a commuter. still looking for a place to live in new york city. anyone want to help me out?