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another kind of me

a trip through me

saturday, february 13, 1999, 04:51

i learned a number of things tonight.

1. i learned that no matter how much i think i enjoy being at home and not being in the theatre and just relaxing and not dealing with the space at all, there is something about it that draws me in that makes me know that i have to be a part of it and that will always be missing from my life unless i am doing something related to it.

2. that my dad is always right and if he has to be the deciding factor in making me got to a party then i really do have to re-evaluate where my priorities in these the supposedly best years of my life.

3. parties where there are people making out in the hallway are generally going to end up being good ones.

4. dancing at parties is cool because if you're on the dance floor, nobody cares if your arms are flailing around and your legs aren't really in sync with, well, anything else, because everyone's either too drunk or hitting on someone else too much to notice. and even if they do notice, they don't care.

4a. if you're dancing on a bed in the middle of the living room, you are automatically cool, no matter if your arms are flailing every which way and you know that you can't dance worth a fuck.

5. diet coke and vodka makes a surprisingly good drink.

6. i still don't have the confidence to, say, have any physical contact with people (girls) when dancing. and i don't understand people who can. watching, trying to pick up pointers. it just wasn't going to happen.

7. dancing on your own can still be fun.

8. there's something about madonna which gets everyone up and dancing no matter who they are or what they're doing at the time that the music comes on.

9. two eggs, over easy, in small sketchy diners are the perfect way to cool down post-party.

10. more people that i know are doing coke on a regular basis than i would have ever imagined.

11. i can deal with not getting any as long as i can come in contact with incredibly beautiful women.

12. parties can be fun, given the right environment and people.

13. 11:31 am. whenever cats want your attention, they'll get your attention.

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