thursday, august 13, 1998, 02:18 tomorrow i embark on an adventure. finally, some change in my life. it's come to such a point that i've been reaching out to people, often times people with whom i haven't spoken in years, just to get a new perspective, some difference in my life. it seems that everything is the same all the time. same work, same dinner, same people after dinner. even if the activities are different, everything is still the same. which is why it's been such a welcome relief this week to hear from a friend of mine. a friend long lost. okay, so we never really were friends in high school, different social classes in the hierarchy of high school life, but that's the way things go. it's been nice to be able to talk to someone who doesn't know everything about my life, whom i don't spend every day with, and yet with whom i have something in common, some common thread that we can always fall back to whenever conversation runs stale. and it's been nice catching up. reminiscing. and moving forward as well. and now, on to that big adventure. wow. i never thought that i could build a family vacation up to this point in my mind. things must really be getting old around here. on the other hand, it is a vacation to alaska, so... yeah. adventure just about covers it.
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