thursday, june 25, 1998, 03:04 i need to get out more. i need to meet more people. despite these two shortcommings in my life, i think i'm doing okay. a game of street hockey has left me horribly exhausted with the realization that i'm completely out of shape. i'm almost done with this web page dealie that i've been having to do for months now, which will then leave me with no work to do at all. well, except for everything which i have to do, but it's so hard to get motivated to do something when said something isn't going to, say, pay me. i had a whole lot to say. i had a whole lot to say about how i saw dr. doolittle for free tonight and it's a good thing at that since the movie itself is just one long string of butt jokes with a couple of funny lines sprinkled in there. i was going to say a lot, but my brain has shut down for the night, so i'm going away now.
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