friday, march 13, 1998, 06:13 i am still awake. not working on my own project. of course not, for being this productive would have mean that i was getting something done, progressing, moving forward in my quest to catch up on all my work. and why would i want to do that? no, instead, i am making art. of sorts. that, and i'm doing marisa's homework for her. in a manner of speaking. on the other hand, i am her homework, so... she took pictures of me, printed them, and now passed them back to me for interpretation. subject affecting outcome or something like that. i don't pretend to understand, all i know is that i get to play with scissors and glue, which is something i haven't done in a long time. this friday the thirteenth promises to be a day like any other for me. again i will have things too numerous to do, and time to limiting to do it in. and all that on little sleep. it'll be an adventure, to be sure. but now, on to the last picture, and then off to bed.
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