i'm considering polishing it up, see how it will translate, story-wise, but for now, we'll take a look at what happened in my head last night.

i just had one of the more disturbing dreams i've ever had. something about post apocalyptic life. disease. killing off people. led into big rooms. nobody told what was going on. long lines.

something before that. home.ish walking around, foggy thoughts. looking for something, don't remember what. lot's of people there. get back home, my home. escape the disease. one friend doesn't. has this, growth on the left side of her face. eating away at her. i walk with her. two others, get caught in this ... something of the fungus. try to pull them out, but there's no chance, their faces, their hair, covered (anne, erk). looking straight ahead, no emotion.

end up walking to place with long lines, getting inside. waiting on line for, food. nobody really knows what's going on. first, i am scared of death by disease, but it changes, into. something else.

changes into fear of being killed by others.

fungus. grass. alfalfa. growing. disease.

long lines. snake through lines, given this food. ugh. people start dying. taken out in groups. into rooms. killed. shot.

focus goes from one group to another. i am in all of them. first with one group. standing, watching. systematic death. all of a sudden, a shift to another point of view. i am in a room. religious. something. people come in. i am standing there. one by one they look at people, kill them. look at me. i get dragged into a tiny hole in the floor. end up under the floor.

person also under the floor, very small space, must crawl. crawling though. looks at me. looks at another. shoots, kills other. looks at he. he is trailing lots of string, tie line. he kills me. goes off.

another point of view. found, taken to a prison, where we will all get killed. there is a virus, a _something_ and we are all going to be killed so as to protect the planet. something strange about killing all the people.

the prison, strange. dark. low ceilings. water on ground. shafts of light here and there. about a hundred people perhaps. i am at one end of the cell, by a door. there are doors at the ends, and then people. i am sitting in the middle, with others.

we are forced to kill each other. why? i don't know. i turn to person next to me. (sarah? no, male) slit his throat. he doesn't die. i take my knife, and drag it down his stomach, very little blood, splits open, and yet he still doesn't die...

he laughs. "a computer?" i ask. he doesn't know. i look at myself. getting slashed as well. skin hanging off. i looks like venetian blinds. but i am still alive. guards come up to me. nothing they can do about it really. look, we're all cut up, my suggestion, if you really want to do away with us is to blow up this whole place.

shoe also there. what the? looks at me. bitches a bit. not much else.

doesn't take the suggeestion. instead, we are all taken out, walking along. i see people from past experiences. i don't think i'm the same person any more, but people still recognize me. deja vu. lives intertwined. do they die? or do i just walk on by. i do not remember.

We walk and walk some more. i talk to others on the walk. we finally, up a stair case, up to the... roof. my god, we were on the roof.

a cleansing. here we were, hundred or so people, all cut up, looking worse than the walking dead, on the roof. beautiful. raining, but i think the sun was shining.

there is a happy ending in here somewhere.

there is much more story.

eric, cooking perhaps. people. maybe castelle. strange, now people i know in this story. someone definitely cooking. loving every minute. another, enthralled with the cooking.

walk up to someone i know. person i slashed before. now (sarah?) looks back at me. laughs. "you're looking very well i say" "have been better" tilts head back to reveal huge gaping wound, splitting neck. ack, nasty. and yet, still laughing. it's a glorious day.

walk around some more. look out over the city. what city? nyc? perhaps. something about realizing dreams. we can't die. that's been shown. go back out in the world? world? everyone's being killed.

opening up a restaurant, a theatre? on broadway? that part is kindof weird.

a feeling of happiness is all i know.



i remember some thigns, but as with all dreams, and the seconds tick by, as does my memory.

remmber the first part was much longer and took place behind my house, on pinecliff, not much else.

remembering it was a shifting point of view a lot of times. for a while there i thought i was watching a movie, and was becoming very disturbed by it. don't know whether that ever shifted into me being in the shot.

many, five or six times, the focus changes. first, seeing life from the point of view of one person, then that person gets shot, and i see life from a person that was just ahead of that person, perhaps the last person that the dead one saw. quite strange.

after a while i was just waiting to get killed.

something about a religious cult. right before the one where i get sucked through the floor (i see another person doing the same) i try to escape, i think he's escaping, but they tell me to do it. i get sucked through a hole about a foot in diameter in the floor. fall under the floor. there's water down there.

but the cult. i remembmer i was in this big room, don't know how i got there, and these people come in. robes. walking around the room. some of their members die. perhaps. i had a thought. some memory. it's gone now.

i remember many little conversations i have with people in the various situations. outside the house, in line for getting food, with the cult, under the floor, in the prison, on the roof.

but i don't remember what was said.