Remember walking down an alley, or something like that, next to a big warehouse, big building of some sort. Bits and pieces there for a bit, getting captured, or some such thing. These badasses really wanted to fuck me up.
I remember one of them, decides that it'd be a good idea to shoot me in the arm. Just because. Takes his gun, shoves it up against my arm...
Hurt like hell, that's all I remember, but there was just the tiniest hole in my arm.
It still hurt.
Getting led out of the building (how I got in I have no idea), and stop into the bathroom. Turn the water on, leave it running, guy at door has no clue what's going on. I jump up on the toilet, then up into a hole in the drop ceiling (how convenient).
Unfortunately, as I'm climbing around up there, I see that there's a firewall blocking me in, and I can't get out of that area. Sooner or later they're going to find me, so I jump back down and go out.
Not sure if they saw me trying to excape.
not sure if it's really relevant.
... and then a rewind ...
Realizing that I had done it wrong the first time, I decided to take this part of the dream over again, which made it that much more surreal
Back into the bathroom, I jump up into the ceiling again, this time heading straight out backwards. This seems to work, and I can get through the wall there. Head back some more, and end up outside, on a roof, then on the ground.
A few different tries at this point.
First step. Head out for the woods. A whole lot of trees. Run into the woods, with the guys casing me right behind.
End up out of the woods, at the top of this tall hill. With houses there. And people. End up running down the hill a little, ending up at a pickup truck. Red, if I recall. And a girl there, perhaps I knew her, perhaps not. She was willing to help, though.
Jump in the truck, start rolling down the hill. At a high rate of speed. End up at the bottom, turn a sharp right. and end up goiing some more. Barriers in the road, perhaps, maybe off the road, but we end up driving right through them.
Truck's not up for driving any more, though, so we get out and walk.
Getting muddled at this point
Find a small town. Dirt road. Main street like something out of the old west. Walk, sit down on the side of the road. Though now it seems like a city street. Steps on the sidewalk, trees, like a park. Look back down the road, and see three guys. Funny, I don't remember them being black. Hrm. They are three of the ones who were chasing me. Don't know where the first went.
Understood that he's just not coming back for me.
And they come at me. And one has a big (c-)wrench with which to smack teh hell out me with. and another has something else, big and scary and sharp. and they're standing in front of me. And I look at them (i'm scared shitless). And they look back. And the guy with the wrench lets it drop into his hand.
And drops it to the floor.
The other one hands me whatever it was that he had. And we shake hands.
And there's a fadeout, like some really bad afterschool special.
And I jump back to some other part of the dream, and do it all over again. That was wacked. Although I don't remember much of the other versions. All I know is that they weren't as happy as the first one.
Strange thing about this whole dream thing was that it wasn't from my point of view. I could tell what the people chasing me were thinking. I would be talking, but i wasn't me, I was someone else. I was the girl i was driving with, I was the woman who was stalling the guys chasing me as i drove away. I was me at times.
It was wacked.