Being in a room. With some couches, and a desk, and ... perhaps it was one of the syslabs, or perhaps the graphics lab. Don't know. Lots of tvs, computers, that kind of thing.
A few people working in there, I am too. That's it. It's in a hospital. Working. Man comes running in. Don't remember much about him except that he had a gun. Maybe he was in the room already. He's running from something. He wants to leave. And all of a sudden he starts shooting people. All of them. And when he's done, he's killed everyone but another person (female) and myself. And i'm next.
And he shoots me, and i slump down over the back of a chair/couch/mixing board, something of the sort, leaning over it, my stomach on it, my hands touching the ground (almost), my head hanging down, and i'm not dead, and i can hear everything going on and oh please don't notice that i just moved my arm and i'm really listening and not dead yet.
And he doesn't notice. And he's talking to the girl who isn't dead yet.
[ the bulk of the dream is spent like this, me listening to conversations, slumped down over whatever piece of furniture this is. i can remember location, if you walk in the door to the lab, i'm off to the right, my body facing left. he's toward the door, to the left from my perspective. and she's at the computers against the far wall from walking into the room, from my perspective, the right. and i haven't a clue what was said at all. ]
And then he notices me again, and he starts shooting me. And he keeps hitting me and missing me and it hurts (a bit) and i'm still not dead and I end up diving under a desk and there's a piece of cardboard there and i'm really glad that cardboard can deflect bullets like that because all of a sudden his friend (wife, girlfriend) comes running in (through glass doors like the one in upstairs pw) and they talk a bit, and they plan where they're leaving to, and they're going to run away together (and there are kids with this woman and they all leave together, seemingly happy, running...
And I crawl out from under the desk, and for some reason my kneecaps hurt (because i've been shot there) and i just look around and see...
My alarm clock. And I feel my knees, and they're still there...